Everything About Device

Is Alexa Better Than Google
Is Alexa Better Than Google

In the world of voice-activated digital assistants, two big names often steal the limelight: Amazon’s Alexa and Google Assistant. Both

Can Alexa Be Hacked
Can Alexa Be Hacked

In the realm of smart devices, Amazon’s Alexa stands tall as one of the most recognized and trusted voice assistants.

Why Is My Alexa Orange
Why Is My Alexa Orange

Ever found yourself in a scenario where you walked into the room, and there it was, your trusted Alexa flashing

Can Alexa Be a Night Light
Can Alexa Be a Night Light

Navigating through a dim room can be quite a task. Sometimes, you’re just looking for a small, dim light to

How To Stop Alexa From Listening
How To Stop Alexa From Listening

If you’ve ever paused mid-conversation to wonder if the omnipresent Alexa was tuning into your private chat, you’re not alone.

What Can Alexa Do Without Prime
What Can Alexa Do Without Prime

Amazon’s Alexa has taken the world by storm, bringing the wonder of voice-controlled technology to homes around the globe. While

How To Stop Alexa From Saying Ok
How To Stop Alexa From Saying Ok

So you’ve finally taken the plunge and welcomed Alexa into your home. She’s now your digital assistant, helping you with

Why Does Alexa Randomly Beep
Why Does Alexa Randomly Beep

Ever found yourself chilling in the living room, only to hear the mysterious chime of your Alexa device? If you’ve