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What is Honhaipr โ€“ Everything You Need To Know

Have you recently come across the name: Honhaipr and wondering what is this device named honhaipr connected to the Wi-Fi? Itโ€™s time to understand the device and know how to deal with excessive data use. I know this can worry you definitely because data consumption is a serious issue for you especially if you are on a limited data plan. There are many other things that can increase the rate at which the data is consumed.

What is Honhaipr - everything you need to know

To reduce data usage, different carriers have invented different tactics. AT&T is one of them, has a somewhat different mechanism. If you are an AT&T subscriber, you can agree with me that there are several devices connected on your router that you may not know. Luckily, there are names on these devices. So, what is Honhaipr device and what can you do if a device is named Honhaipr on your Wi-Fi system?

Honhaipr Device: Meaning

These are some of the devices that can be connected to your router and the WiFi connection. The device can be shown as Honhaipr on your network settings meaning its either malfunctioning or using a lot of data.

In most situations, the Honhaipr device uses a considerable amount of data that can cause an overage on your bandwidth. This way, you must know what the device is and how to control the data consumption in real time. Its hard to clearly explain what an Honhaipr device is. This is mainly because there are different devices depending on the router and the settings. The settings of such devices can appear inside the menu of the connected device.

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How to Fix Honhaipr Device huge data consumption?

Check the Consumption Timings

AT&T just like other Carriers has modules that helps you notice when the data consumption is high. They equally allow you to manage such spikes in real-time. You have to make sure you are noticing the data spikes and observe the patterns. This will be easy to pinpoint the device that is overusing the data and know the device that is being shown as Honhaipr in the network settings.

Disconnect more devices

To narrow down your options and be left with a slim chance of knowing which of the devices is appearing as a Honhaipr on your network settings, you have to narrow down by disconnecting more devices. This method is a little old schooled but it can easily work for you. Its actually one of the best methods for people that are not tech-savvy and still wants to cut the cost and diagnose and fix the situation at hand on their own.

The trick in this regard is to disconnect each of the devices to easily be able to see the device that is named as Honhairpr on the network settings. Once you find out which device is saved as Honhaipr, you can easily block the device and save on your data significantly.

Check Media Access Control Address

All the devices that are connected to your device has a unique MAC address which is usually used to connect to the Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. The MAC address is used for wireless communication between the two connections. Luckily, this number is different for all the devices which makes it easy to figure out the MAC address for the specific device that is named Honhaipr in the router. After noticing which MAC address is connected, you can easily cross-match the address to the devices. This will definitely help you efficiently detect where your data is going.

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It is actually one of the easiest methods of knowing which device is named as Honhaipr without having to disconnect all the devices from the network. The only hard thing here is figuring out how to check the MAC address on all the connected devices. This can be tricky and it can take your time especially if you are not tech-savvy. To make it easy for you, make a list of all the MAC addresses on all the devices that are connected and eventually cross-check with the Honhaipr devices.

Itโ€™s probably the PS4

This is a common trick but it may not be the issue at hand for you. Most people have reported that their PS4 have been marked as Honhaipr device especially on the AT&T routers. This should only work as a hit and not surety that the PS4 is named as Honhaipr on the wireless network. Just start with PS4 and clarify that its not the device causing the issue.

Sony devices

I have also come across a couple of users claiming that most Sony devices can be shown as Honhaipr. However, this doesnโ€™t mean that this is always the situation, I just wanted to hint out that Sony devices are more likely to be shown as Honhaipr. So, start by checking Sony devices and if possible, all the Gaming devices from Sony.

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Are there unknown devices connected to my router?

Unauthorized users and hackers can easily connect devices on your home and Business router. These criminals can cause expensive damages that can lead to loss of data and money. Luckily, there are few tips you can use to know which unknown device is connected to the router. Here are some steps to take.

  • Head to the IP address of the router-Most IP addresses are or and proceed to the administrative interface.
  • Use the administrator logins including username and password to log in to the administrative interface. You can refer to the routerโ€™s manual for the default credentials.
  • Proceed to the Status Option-Click the Status option and eventually proceed to the Local Network and finally DHCP clients table. The table will identify and list all the devices that are connected to the router. It will provide the device name, IP address and MAC address. On some routers, you can proceed to the Attached Devices and you will have a list of all the connected devices.

Now you know how to check devices that are named as Honhaipr on your network settings. Its advisable to limit internet usage for these devices especially if you are on a limited data plan. Proceeding, you should equally be able to detect unauthorized devices connected to your Internet system which can be used by hackers and criminals to fish data from other devices.


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A tech maestro with a penchant for Android systems, John is also a self-proclaimed Mexican food critic. When heโ€™s not exploring the latest tech trends, heโ€™s likely binging on the newest series on Netflix.
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