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Can You Play Apple Music On Alexa

If you’ve found yourself juggling between the silvery sophistication of Apple’s ecosystem and the versatile voice commands of Amazon’s Alexa, you’re not alone. The intersection of these two tech titans is an intriguing topic, especially when it comes to music streaming.

Can You Play Apple Music On Alexa

The burning question: Can you play Apple Music on Alexa? The answer, my friends, is a resounding “Yes!”

TL;DR: Yes, you can play Apple Music on Alexa. To do so, link your Apple Music account to your Alexa via the Amazon Alexa app, enable the Apple Music skill, and set it as the default music service.

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Got it? Great! But if you’re looking for the nitty-gritty details, read on.

Setting Up Apple Music on Alexa: A Step-By-Step Guide

Amazon Alexa has been pretty versatile when it comes to playing music from various streaming platforms, and Apple Music is no exception. Here’s how you can dance to your favorite Apple tunes through Alexa:

  1. Open the Amazon Alexa App: Before diving in, make sure you’ve got the latest version of the app. It’s available on both iOS and Android.
  2. Navigate to the Menu: Tap on the three horizontal lines on the top-left of your screen, usually called the hamburger icon.
  3. Select ‘Settings’: Scroll down until you find this option.
  4. Choose ‘Music & Podcasts’: This will lead you to a list of music services compatible with Alexa.
  5. Link New Service: Tap on “+ Link New Service,” and you’ll see Apple Music in the list.
  6. Enable Apple Music: Tap on it and proceed to enable the skill. This might require you to log in with your Apple ID, so have that information handy.
  7. Set as Default (Optional): If you’re like me and Apple Music is your go-to, I recommend setting it as your default music service. This way, every time you ask Alexa to play music, she’ll choose from Apple Music without you having to specify.
  8. Command Away: Simply ask Alexa to play your favorite song, artist, or playlist from Apple Music, and voila!
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Note: If you have multiple Echo devices, this setup will apply to all devices registered under the same Amazon account.

Why Apple Music on Alexa Rocks

  • Diverse Library: With over 70 million tracks, Apple Music offers a vast collection to satisfy your every musical whim.
  • Voice-Activated Playlists: Ask Alexa to play any of Apple Music’s curated playlists. Whether it’s “Top 40” or “Sunday Chill,” Alexa has got you covered.
  • Integration with Your Library: Any song or playlist you’ve added to your Apple Music library can be played through Alexa.

Exploring the Full Potential of Apple Music on Alexa

After setting up, it’s not just about playing and pausing music. The intertwining of Apple Music with Alexa brings forth a plethora of possibilities. Let’s delve deeper into what this musical alliance has to offer.

Creating a Multi-Room Music Experience

One of the golden features of Alexa-enabled devices is the multi-room music experience. Here’s the scoop:

  • Group Your Devices: In the Alexa app, go to the Devices tab. From there, create a group (like “Downstairs”) and add multiple Echo devices to that group.
  • Command Your Group: Simply tell Alexa to “Play [song/artist] on Apple Music downstairs,” and you’ll have a synchronized playback across all devices in that group. This is ideal for parties or when you’re moving from room to room.
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Note: This feature is specifically tailored for Echo devices. If you have third-party speakers integrated with Alexa, the experience may vary.

Voice Commands and Their Nuances

Alexa is all ears, always. But she appreciates clear instructions. Here’s how to master the voice commands:

  • Be Specific: If you want a specific version of a song, say the live version, specify that. “Alexa, play the live version of [song] from Apple Music.”
  • Ask for Curated Playlists: Apple Music’s human-curated playlists are a treasure. Request them by name: “Alexa, play ‘Best of the 90s’ playlist from Apple Music.”
  • Adjust Playback: Don’t forget basic commands like “Alexa, turn up the volume,” or “Alexa, skip this song.”

Integrating with Home Automation

If you’re deep into the smart home ecosystem, Alexa can bridge Apple Music to it:

  • Set Musical Routines: For instance, if you want to wake up to a specific Apple Music playlist, you can set a routine in the Alexa app to start playing it at your desired time.
  • Sync with Lights: If you have smart lights, use Alexa Routines to sync them with your Apple Music playback, setting the mood for your listening sessions.

Personal Recommendations and Radio Stations

Both Apple Music and Alexa shine when it comes to personalized recommendations. Here’s a taste of what to expect:

  • Alexa Play More Like This: If you’re listening to a song you adore, tell Alexa, “Play more like this.” She will tap into Apple Music’s recommendation system and churn out similar tracks.
  • Radio Stations: While live radio might have its quirks, you can always ask Alexa to “Play [artist] radio on Apple Music,” and it will create a station based on that artist’s style and genre.
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Troubleshooting Common Issues

Every relationship has its bumps. If Alexa isn’t playing nice with Apple Music, here’s what I recommend:

  1. Restart Both Devices: Sometimes, turning off your Echo device and the device with the Alexa app can resolve minor glitches.
  2. Re-link Apple Music: If Alexa seems to have forgotten your Apple Music link, go back to the Music & Podcasts settings and re-establish the connection.
  3. Check Subscription Status: Ensure your Apple Music subscription is active.
  4. Network Connectivity: A stable Wi-Fi connection is crucial. If songs are cutting out or not playing, a network issue could be the culprit.

Note: Always keep your Alexa app updated. Software updates often include bug fixes that can resolve known issues with music playback and other features.

Points to Ponder

While the integration of Apple Music and Alexa is mostly seamless, there are a few quirks you might want to be aware of:

  • Siri vs. Alexa: While Siri knows your Apple Music habits best, Alexa might take some time to learn your favorites. But remember, practice makes perfect. The more you use it, the better it gets.
  • Not All Features Supported: Some Apple Music features like Live Radio might not be available via Alexa. Stick to the basics, and you’ll be golden.


The collaboration between Apple Music and Alexa is nothing short of a tech symphony. By following the simple steps mentioned above, you can bridge the gap between Apple’s premium music service and Amazon’s intelligent voice assistant. So, whether you’re in the mood for some T-Swift or The Beatles, just ask Alexa.


Do I need a subscription to play Apple Music on Alexa?

Yes, you will need an active Apple Music subscription.

Can I play my Apple Music playlists on Alexa?

Absolutely! Once you’ve linked your account, all your playlists should be accessible.

If I set Apple Music as my default, can I still play music from other services on Alexa?

Of course! Just specify the service when you give the command. For example, “Alexa, play jazz on Spotify.”

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An ex-network engineer turned tech evangelist, Guss finds solace on his paddleboard after a long day of coding. His insights into web3 technologies are not just profound but delivered with a cinematic flair, resonating with tech enthusiasts and novices alike.
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