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How to Make YouTube Channel Private โ€“ Privacy Guide

As you immerse yourself in the digital realm, the thin veil of privacy becomes increasingly important. YouTube, an oasis of audio-visual creativity, is no exception. It may seem paradoxical to make your YouTube channel private given the platformโ€™s main objective is to share videos globally.

How to Make YouTube Channel Private

However, there are countless reasons why one might want to privatize their channel, including sharing personal content with a select audience, testing videos before public release, or simply yearning for a space to store memories.

TL;DR: Yes, its easy to make your channel and videos private on youtube

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  1. Log into your YouTube account.
  2. Click your profile picture in the top-right corner.
  3. Select โ€œSettings.โ€
  4. In the left-hand column, choose โ€œPrivacy.โ€
  5. There, youโ€™ll find options to keep all your future uploads private or hide your liked videos, subscriptions, and playlists.
  6. Save changes.

Navigating the YouTube Privacy Triangle: Public, Unlisted, and Private

In your journey towards securing your YouTube channel, itโ€™s crucial to understand the three main types of privacy settings available: Public, Unlisted, and Private.

Public videos are like open books, accessible to anyone and everyone on YouTube. Unlisted videos, on the other hand, are akin to secret passages in a library.

Theyโ€™re not visible on your channel or in search results, but anyone with the video link can view it. Private videos are like hidden vaults, viewable only to you and the select individuals you choose to share them with.

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Make Sense Of Youtubeโ€™s Video Privacy Functions

YouTube Video Privacy Options Description
Public Public videos are visible to anyone on YouTube. They can be found through search results, recommendations, and can be shared or embedded on other websites. Public videos can also be commented on by viewers.
Unlisted Unlisted videos are not searchable on YouTube or available through recommendations. They can only be accessed using a direct link. Unlisted videos can be shared with others, but only those with the link will be able to view them. Viewers can also comment on unlisted videos.
Private Private videos are only visible to the channel owner and users who have been granted access. They are not searchable or accessible through recommendations. Private videos cannot be shared publicly, and viewers must be invited to watch by the channel owner. Only invited viewers can comment on private videos.
Scheduled Scheduled videos are set to be published at a specific date and time in the future. Until the scheduled time, the video is private and not accessible to viewers. Once the scheduled time arrives, the video becomes public and can be viewed by anyone.
Members Only Members Only videos are available exclusively to channel members who have subscribed to a channelโ€™s membership program. These videos can only be viewed by active members and are not accessible to the general public.
Age Restriction YouTube provides an option to set an age restriction on videos that contain mature or sensitive content. Age-restricted videos are not accessible to viewers who are below a certain age, typically 18 years or older. Viewers must sign in and verify their age to watch age-restricted videos.
Copyright Claims If a video receives a copyright claim from a third party, the video may become unavailable or have restricted access. In such cases, the video may be blocked in certain countries or accessible only to the copyright holder or authorized users.
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Making Your YouTube Channel Private

Embarking on this expedition towards privacy, hereโ€™s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Sign In to Your YouTube Account โ€“ Your adventure starts by signing in to your YouTube account โ€“ the gateway to your digital castle.
  2. Access YouTube Studio โ€“ Next, head towards your control room โ€“ YouTube Studio. Itโ€™s the hub where you can tweak your channel to your liking.
  3. Navigate to the Channel Settings โ€“ In the labyrinth of YouTube Studio, find the โ€œSettingsโ€ option, leading you to your โ€œChannelโ€ settings.
  4. Adjust the Channel Visibility Settings โ€“ Once there, youโ€™ll spot the โ€œAdvanced Settings.โ€ Select โ€œChannel,โ€ followed by โ€œAdvanced Settings,โ€ and then look for โ€œChannel Privacy.โ€ Here lies the โ€œPrivateโ€ option โ€“ the key to your privacy.
  5. Save Your Changes โ€“ Before you exit, remember to save your changes. Itโ€™s the seal on your private vault.

Keeping Your Videos Under Wraps

Individual video privacy settings are separate entities, each with their own privacy rules. To adjust these:

  1. Access YouTube Studio โ€“ Retrace your steps back to YouTube Studio.
  2. Navigate to the Video You Want to Make Private โ€“ Choose the video you wish to shield from the public eye.
  3. Adjust the Videoโ€™s Privacy Settings โ€“ In the โ€œVisibilityโ€ section of the video details, select โ€œPrivate.โ€
  4. Save Your Changes โ€“ Donโ€™t forget to save your changes, locking your video in your private vault.
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Sharing Private Videos with Specific Users

With your YouTube channel set to private, only you can access the videos. However, YouTube has a way to share your private videos with specific users. Itโ€™s like sending an exclusive invitation to your digital soiree.

  1. Sharing with Specific YouTube Users โ€“ Find the video you want to share, click on โ€œShare,โ€ and then โ€œPrivate.โ€ You can add YouTube users by their email addresses.
  2. Sharing with Non-YouTube Users via Email โ€“ YouTube also lets you share your private videos with non-YouTube users via email.

Ensuring Privacy and Security

Making your channel private is a significant step towards privacy, but maintaining it is equally crucial. Keep your login credentials secure and regularly review your subscribers and comments. Adhering to YouTubeโ€™s community guidelines and policies ensures a safe environment for you and your viewers.

To recap, the journey to make your YouTube channel private involves understanding the different privacy settings, adjusting your channel and video settings, sharing your private videos selectively, and ensuring ongoing security. The beauty of privacy lies in the control it offers over your content, allowing you to shape the viewing experience on your terms. So take action now, harness this power, and safeguard your YouTube channelโ€™s privacy.


How do you make your YouTube account private?

To make your YouTube account private, log into your account, navigate to YouTube Studio, then to Settings. From there, select โ€œChannel,โ€ followed by โ€œAdvanced Settings,โ€ and under โ€œChannel Privacy,โ€ choose the โ€œPrivateโ€ option. Remember to save your changes.

Can you make a private YouTube channel for free?

Yes, you can make your YouTube channel private for free. YouTube doesnโ€™t charge for privacy settings. The process involves a few simple steps within your YouTube Studio.

How do I make my YouTube channel private on mobile?

To make your YouTube channel private on mobile, youโ€™ll need to use a web browser and follow the same steps as you would on a computer. YouTubeโ€™s mobile app currently doesnโ€™t support changing privacy settings.

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A tech maestro with a penchant for Android systems, John is also a self-proclaimed Mexican food critic. When heโ€™s not exploring the latest tech trends, heโ€™s likely binging on the newest series on Netflix.
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